Back in the seventies, Materials Research Corporation—MRC, was a leading, though not the largest, supplier of PVD sputtering systems and one of its most outspoken evangelists. In fact they were about fifth in market share. CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) had been perfected but was still overwhelmed by PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition—i.e.-evaporators). Meanwhile, a battle raged within the PVD arena over whether e-beam or sputtering sources would win out. E-beam, the long favored method, was superior when laying down pure metals, but its control of alloy depositions was inferior to sputtering.
The semiconductor industry was plunging rapidly into alloy deposition to overcome many separate problems. So by the mid eighties sputtering had won out and MRC emerged as the number one supplier, even ahead of Varian—the inventor and patent holder of sputtering, and its Japanese licensee, Ulvac.
But it was not to be. CVD was coming on stronger than PVD and both were merging into the heart of cluster systems. MRC failed to enter either market despite this early attempt at an integrated system approach. By the mid nineties they were merely a wisp of their former selves; before the millennium they would be devoured altogether by our ravenous industry.
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- Key Contributors: To Be Recognized.
- Industry code: 1463.432
- No Discernible Copyright
Copied with the implied permission of the Owner - Mfr’s Code: MRC