LASA Industries QT-GA Flexible Manufacturing System
Here is the first true lights-out-fab. Since the beginning of the industry the dream was to have a single system manufacturing plant. First the idea was to have a continuous vacuum processing chamber, then track was added to lithography. By the mid eighties the concept was “Lights Out” and “Sand to finished Product”. At the time, VLSI Research spoke of coke-machine like chip dispensers. Of course none of these concepts worked out, the dreams were more inspired than practical.
Still, LASA Industries recognized the concept could be made to work well enough with gate-arrays, for only the upper layers masks would need deposition, exposure and development, and these could be handled with Laser arrays. Hence this system. But it was never well accepted.
Instead, today’s attempt at furthering the lights out concept is mainly limited to platform systems in the wafer fab area.
- Key Contributors: Daniel J. Dooley & Leslie Burns
- Industry code: 1130.00
- No discernible Copyright
Copied with the implied permission of the Copyright Owner - Mfr’s Code: LASA