Eric Meurice (2008) We are always amazed at how a great CEO can make all the difference in the world
- When he joined ASML, it had been infected with the big-us virus that all market leaders eventually contract
- The symptoms are distant cold arrogance and extreme risk aversion accompanied with NIH syndrome (Not Invented Here)
- Eric’s managed to pretty much eradicate this throughout the company, saving an extremely important industry resource that is also extremely important to the future of the world
- Without advances in lithography, Moore’s Law stops and so does the incredible anti-inflationary power that it brings
- Eric could do this anywhere, because he’s really good at listening and learning before acting
- When he acts, he sells you before he tells you
- You want to come along, he’s not pushing
- Doesn’t bring out-of-date decision making baggage from the previous companies and industries he’s worked at