High-energy ion implanters, typically in the
range of 1 to 3 MEV, were originally looked at in the late seventies
but were never too successful. They then had a strong comeback in
the mid-to-late eighties with the growing interest in buried layer
implants. A small company called General Ionix joined the crowd of
new high-energy suppliers. It shipped its first system, a model 1500
in 1985, but was then hit hard by the severe downturn of 85-86, and
had no sales. It shipped its second unit in 1987 but by then it was
too late. Its investors persuaded Genus to acquire the failing
company and several years of very successful production prevailed.
This unit, Model 1510, was an upgraded version of the original 1500.
Industry code: 455.00 |
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Mfr’s Code: GNS |